My generation of Christians are a unique breed. With the influence of pastors like Piper, Driscoll, and Grudem, we have taken two seemingly contradictory theological camps and mashed them together to make a new one.
In the book A Call To Resurgence, Mark Driscoll calls this camp the New Reformed. In essence, this crowd holds to the basic tenets of the Reformed faith, namely the Five Solas, TULIP, Covenantal Theology, and the Regulative Principle. But we also hold to a Continuation understanding of the “charismatic gifts” (usually tongues, prophesy and healing).
As you can imagine, this raises a lot of eyebrows and causes tension. Typically [inlinetweet prefix=”” tweeter=”” suffix=””]the words “Reformed” and “Charismatic” aren’t used in the same sentence without a few choice words.[/inlinetweet] But the two aren’t nearly as opposed to each other as many believe. I have a few reasons why I believe [inlinetweet prefix=”” tweeter=”” suffix=””]being Reformed and Charismatic are more compatible than people think.[/inlinetweet]
Let me clarify what I am advocating and what I am not. [inlinetweet prefix=”” tweeter=”” suffix=””]I am advocating an expression of the Spirit in line with Scripture, God-honoring, and that genuinely shows God’s power[/inlinetweet]; orderly and Christ-centered worship. I am not advocating a false-spirit-led outworking of false gifts, one chaotic and full of confusion.
Continuationism Fits Right In With Sola Scriptura and Soli Deo Gloria
Sola Scriptura and Soli Deo Gloria are Latin phrases used by the Protestant Reformers to say “Scripture Alone (is our authority)” and “To God alone be the glory”.
Continuationsim is the belief and understanding the spiritual gifts spoken of in Romans 12:6-8, 1 Corinthians 12:7-10, 28 and Ephesians 4:11 all continue to this day. The opposite view of this is known as Cessationism, which believes that in 1 Corinthians 13:8-12, Paul is saying the gifts of prophesy, tongues, and knowledge will all cease soon (usually at the close of the Cannon of Scripture).
Continuationism fits right in with Sola Scriptura and Soli Deo Gloria. This is usually where my Reformed friends faint, but hear me out. Assuming these gifts do in fact continue today, they would, by Scriptural necessity, function under the authority of Scripture. Scripture gives a clear command to desire the gifts (1 Cor. 14:1). Would Paul tell us to desire something that is going to cease, before many of us are able to understand the Gospel and then desire the gifts?
Paul also tells us the gifts are given for the building up of the church. So if the gifts are used and the church is edified, wouldn’t God be glorified?
Most of the issues arise with the gift of prophesy. Often times, prophesy is misrepresented as a new revelation from God not included in Scripture. This is not what is actually meant by Scriptural New Testament prophesy.
The definition Wayne Grudem gives for prophesy is something God “spontaneously brings to mind”. It’s a direct word from God, and it is not authoritative. Prophesy can be used to glorify God. Imagine in a church business meeting, the members are stuck at a crossroads about whether to add another service or go multisite. The Holy Spirit presses upon someone’s heart to stand up and tell them to go multisite. They are obedient and do so, the church decides to do multisite and the church grows. God would be glorified. Nothing went against Scripture; everything was within the realms of Orthodoxy.
Typically when someone starts talking about the Gifts of the Spirit, people get anxious. Their first thought is some crazy guy running around mumbling. A lot of my Reformed friends see an issue with the gifts functioning in an orderly way in worship. Hopefully my next point will clarify that.
Continuationism Functions Best Under The Regulative Principle
Among the Reformed crowd, there is the Regulative Principle. The Regulative Principle, in simplest terms states worship is to be done according to Scripture, and only what is arranged in Scripture is to be used. That’s a very watered down version that probably doesn’t do it justice for what some believe concerning worship.[1] Its counterpart is the Normative Principle, which states whatever is not prohibited in Scripture is permitted in worship, so long as it is agreeable to the peace and unity of the Church.”[2]
Holding to the Regulative Principle, how would the gifts function under something typically orderly? Well Paul, I believe, would be in favor of the Regulative Principle insofar as it doesn’t become authoritative or legalistic, and he would permit the gifts to function in an orderly fashion.
Look at 1 Corinthians 14:26-40, especially verse 40. Notice what Paul says about how the gifts are to function in a church service: decently and in order. These two words are significant to understanding this. Decently, in the original language means “honest”. So one shouldn’t function in their gift in a dishonest or deceitful way.
Orderly means “in time, fixed succession”. There is a time during the worship service for the edification of the Saints by the use of the gifts. It’s not happy hour at the local pub where everybody gets to speak at once. It is orderly.
Scripture (Sola Scriptura) teaches the gifts function in an orderly manner (Regulative Principle). In order to ensure order, prophesy and the like should be filtered through an elder first. I simply believe this is a wise use of the Godly men who shepherd the flock.
In conclusion, I believe Scripture teaches that the gifts do in fact continue today, and that they should only function under the authority of Scripture which I believe also teaches an orderly worship service. Therefore, I believe [inlinetweet prefix=”” tweeter=”” suffix=””]being both Reformed and a Continuationist is compatible, and not a contradiction.[/inlinetweet]
[1] For a couple of good resources concerning the Regulative Principle, R.C. Sproul has a good article ( ), as well, Mark Dever has two chapters in his book The Deliberate Church (Crossway, 2005) dedicated to understanding and applying this principle. The Westminster Confession of Faith is also a go-to resource.
[2] Regulative Principle. n.d. Accessed (August 9, 2015)
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