D.C. AMA (PTM 225)

AMA from the DC House Party….plus a little Squadcast in there as well…. Hmm. They talk about church models, women in ministry, the greatest hip-hop and more!

Tyler Burns: It’s hard to leave the faith when you’re around people who are so determined to hang onto it. No matter what is happening in the world, they’re emotively praising God in the midst of cultural mess.

Tyler Burns: The American church has systematically and noticeably changed the taste buds of young Christians. They’ve altered their taste buds to desire catchy, relevant, formulaic presentations of the Gospel that center them rather than the Kingdom and their experience rather than the community around them.

Jemar Tisby: Every church model has benefits and drawbacks. [Regarding house churches], I would look at governance and make sure it’s elder-led and there’s some accountability.

Jemar Tisby: Any church model can succumb to people wanting to form their own kingdom. That’s the issue whatever church model we’re talking about.

Tyler Burns: If there’s not women in ministry and in my circle who have authority to call out blind spots that I’m clearly exhibiting that I cannot see, then I’m going to replicate patriarchy.

Jemar Tisby: We haven’t learned from the people who are informing the ones we want to bring in nor have we learned enough about their situation and been with them.


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Show Hosts: Jemar Tisby + Tyler Burns • Producer: Beau York + Podastery Studios • Pass The Mic: Website + Twitter  • The Witness: Website + Twitter

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