Have you ever stopped to ask yourself why you believe the things that you believe? How do you know if your core beliefs are resolute because you believe the Word of God or if your core beliefs are mere regurgitations of your favorite teachers’ conclusions?
To understand salvation through faith alone, walk through Galatians 5 with Pastor Earon James as he explores “Sola Fide.”
Download the sermon by clicking here.
“Faith works itself out in love. We are justified by faith alone in Christ alone, but the genuineness of saving faith is seen in love and good works.”
“What else does faith working by love look like? It looks like giving the hungry food to eat, giving the thirsty water to drink, taking strangers in, clothing the naked, taking care of the sick, and visiting the prisoner. It looks like being patient with one another, forgiving one another, and speaking the truth in love to one another. It is using our spiritual gifts to build each other up instead of tearing each other down. It means not gossiping or slandering. It means making every effort to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. It means protecting those who are vulnerable. Caring for the widow and the orphan and the immigrant. It means giving sacrificially. It means laying down our lives.”
“In our fallen state, we are so corrupt that even if we do good things, we do them for the wrong reasons.”
[inlinetweet prefix=”” tweeter=”@earonjames” suffix=””]”A lot of what people call a spiritual life is really behavior modification.”[/inlinetweet]
“Freedom, as God describes it, isn’t freedom as our culture defines it…or as democracy defines it…or the republic defines it.”
The message from this pastor somehow guided me to review Ephesians 2:10. That verse helps me to understand WHY I have been saved by grace through faith. In essence, it’s to do good works that He has foreordained. The primary work is to depend upon Him to help me live a holy life. Thereby producing the fruits of the spirit. Thank you Reverend James and may God add a blessing to your elucidative manner of conveying of His Word.
“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.” (Ephesians 2:10)
For some reason, we had just this Ephesians passage this week, instead of the Galatians one everyone else I know seemed to have in their churches. The two really offset each other wonderfully. Thanks for your thoughts.
Thank you Reverend James and may God add a blessing to your elucidative manner of conveying of His Word.