RAAN had the opportunity to interview Rev. H.B. Charles, Jr., pastor of Shiloh Metropolitan Baptist Church in Jacksonville, FL. Pastor Charles shares his thoughts on Black preaching, Reformed teaching, and transformation in the African American church.
Shiloh Metropolitan Baptist Church Pastor H.B. Charles, Jr.
What does H.B. stand for?
H.B. stands for absolutely nothing. The initials are my name. It’s a long story. This is the only name my father was ever called. He did it to me. And I did it to my son.
How were you called into the ministry? Where have you been a pastor?
I sensed an irresistible call to preach on my life as boy. I preached my first sermon at the age of 11. By 15, I was preaching almost every week. I was called to serve the church my father led when I was seventeen, still a senior in high school. I served there for almost 18 years. I was called to serve the Shiloh Metropolitan Baptist Church in Jacksonville in 2008.
You talk of three styles of preaching. What are those styles and how would you describe them?
There are more than three styles of preaching. But I was initially introduced to these three: topical, textual, and expository. A topical sermon begins with a topic and may or may not work its way back to scripture. Once it gets there, it may treat the subject faithfully or may use it as a springboard to support the idea of the topic. Textual preaching focuses on the words of the text itself. It often deals with a smaller portion of scripture. This is the way my father preached. It is also the way Charles Spurgeon preached. Expository preaching explains what the text means by what it says. The focus of exposition is to explain and apply the intended point of the text.
What style do you most often use? Which preachers have most influenced your preaching?
I am a student of expository preaching. It is what I strive to do most weeks. There are times when I do more topical messages on biblical themes. But I am convinced that consecutive exposition through Books of the Bible is the most faithful way to preach.
My list of preaching influences is long. Of course, my father greatly influenced my preaching, in ways I am still discovering. I was also influenced by some of the prominent Baptist preachers of my youth, like C.A.W. Clark, Jasper Williams, Donald Parsons, and Melvin Wade. As I turned toward expository preaching, E.K. Bailey, Ralph West, Maurice Watson, and R.A. Williams were great encouragements. During the same time, both my preaching and theology were impacted by exposure to John MacArthur, John Piper, James Montgomery Boice, and R.C. Sproul.
Let’s talk about “whooping” in Black homiletical style? Some people say that it is mere emotionalism and it lacks rich theology. Others say it’s an essential and valued part of the Black church tradition. What are your thoughts?
My father was not a “whooper.” He could. But most often he didn’t. And he did everything he could to discourage me from it. But I could not be dissuaded! He did not want me to be a stereotype. I didn’t understand what he meant then. I do now.
Growing up in the Black church, my exposure to whooping came early. But the whoop did not drive the sermon. It was more celebration at the end. I believe worship should be passionate and expressive. (I also believe the burden of proof is on those who object to that previous statement). In the context of passionate worship, I do not have any objections to whooping.
However, I would not recommend a young preacher make whooping a priority (I would also say the same thing about, say, illustrations.) I would recommend a young preacher concentrate on faithfulness to the text and the clarity of the message and let the matters of style take care of themselves along the way. Furthermore, I would say that if you are preaching text-driven messages (i.e., expositional messages), there is no way whooping can be a priority each week. You have to let the text lead the sermon. And many texts do not conclude on a celebratory note. Let the text shape the tone, content, and delivery of the message, not elements of style.
How were you exposed to Reformed doctrines? Do you preach and teach Reformed doctrines?
I was introduced to Reformed doctrines by divine conspiracy. I picked up my father’s love for Charles Spurgeon. I used Warren Wiersbe’s little commentary as a guide to teach through Ephesians. I started listening to John MacArthur. I began reading R.C. Sproul. I used James Boice commentaries. These factors, and others, have conspired against me to embrace more Reformed-leaning convictions.
I preach and teach my Reformed convictions. But I do not teach them as a system, per se. I want my preaching to be Bible-based and Christ-centered, not system oriented. So I preach Reformed themes as I see them in the text. And I try to avoid forcing them onto texts. When the text teaches Election, I preach it passionately. And when a text teaches a free invitation, I preach it passionately.
Have you faced any difficulties in teaching Reformed doctrines in African American contexts? What are they and how do you respond?
I have not. Ever. My experience is that African-Americans believe in the sovereignty of God, even though they may not have thought through the implications of divine sovereignty on the destiny of the soul. And I have not found resistance in so doing. Again, I most often do not preach titles or categories. But I seek to promote a high view of God clearly and convincingly. I believe that preaching a “big God” makes a lot of room for Reformed doctrines to be introduced.
How do believers help to “fuel modern reformation in the African American church”? How do we strengthen what is good in churches and address what is weak?
I believe a modern reformation begins with faithful preaching and believing prayer. From my perch, I see a hunger for the word of God in the African-American church. I am meeting many young preachers who are turning to expository preaching. These are good signs and a great beginning. I also pray the Lord raises up strong, healthy African-American churches with Reformed convictions than can be a model to point to. As to what will strengthen churches and how to address weaknesses, my answer would be the same: prayer and the ministry of the word.
H.B. Charles, Jr. is the Pastor-Teacher at the Shiloh Metropolitan Baptist Church of Jacksonville, Florida, where he has served since the fall of 2008. He is primarily responsible for preaching-teaching, vision casting, and leadership development – along with all the other tasks that are a part of pastoral ministry. Outside of his ministry to and with his congregation, he regularly speak at churches, conferences, and conventions around the country. He has contributed to several books and journals. And he writes at this blog site about life, preaching, church, books, and other stuff. He is married to the girl of his dreams, Crystal. They have three children: H.B. III, Natalie, and Hailey.
“However, I would not recommend a young preacher make whooping a priority (I would also say the same thing about, say, illustrations.) I would recommend a young preacher concentrate on faithfulness to the text and the clarity of the message and let the matters of style take care of themselves along the way.” Excellent advice. Thanks!
Thanks for sharing this. Lots of great insight and helpful information. So many things stood out. But I especially liked, “I want my preaching to be Bible-based and Christ-centered, not system oriented. So I preach Reformed themes as I see them in the text. And I try to avoid forcing them onto texts…”
I wish more Reformed Pastors and Teachers took the same position. Unfortunately, so many believing they have something that everyone needs to believe, understand and appreciate, spend much time “making every text” speak about the doctrines of Grace. This has made it very difficult for the unlearned and untrained to embrace many doctrines. Systems can be a blessing and a curse. Lets stick with preaching Christ and him crucified. And let the Bible lead the teaching and instruction of our consciences and the people of God!
Thanks again for sharing this. Would have loved to hear an audio version if there was one. Keep up the good work. Just got exposed to this site a few days ago. May the Lord continue to bless your efforts as you seek to Glorify Him!
btw, I agree with Riley below. I am not a whooping preacher. Have heard many blacks in reformed circles speak of whooping in a negative light. It was good to get another perspective on it from our brother. His advice I think is sound, as noted in Riley’s comments below!
Great advice from a wonderful preacher! I am learning to focus on the text and everything else take cares of itself. Young preachers focus too much on the ‘whoop’ which is a horrific problem in the church. ‘Whooping’ is not a bad thing. But, ‘whooping’ without preaching Jesus and Him crucified is infotainment, not preaching.
Thanks Pastor Charcles for great advice. Listening to you preach and give spiritual advice has really blessed me in ministry and to become a better expositor. I can indeed say that you and your brother Kevin B. Willlis are my hero preachers. I thank God that He has touched your heart to share in the lives of other preachers . I thank God daily for you and your ministry….keep up the good work.
Whooping becomes dangerous when it turns into a regular exercise at the end of every sermon. One could argue that the end of every sermon should be in celebration since the gospel, saving grace, should always be a part of it in some way. So I’m always uncomfortable with any ambiguity in an answer to whether whooping should be done or not. I’m in Baltimore and it’s difficult to find a black preacher who doesn’t whoop every Sunday. I’ve found it very hard as a musician in most cases since it seems we are responsible for participating in it by “backing the preacher up” on the piano/organ – which then causes the congregation to respond. This is where it becomes difficult, because it feels like more of a ritual than a genuine celebration.
I’m not a fan of whooping and I’ve been around it since I was about 5. This is mainly because I think there’s a lack of carefulness in speech and clarity when it takes place.
My concern isn’t really over whooping though – I’m concerned about the lack of content and carefulness in many sermons I come across and how whooping seems to “make up” for it in a way that will have the congregation leave telling how powerful the sermon was when many times I can’t agree. When we talk/write about it, whooping seems like a great way to end on a celebratory note but when implemented things seem a bit muddier. I definitely agree with Pastor Charles here: “I would say that if you are preaching text-driven messages (i.e., expositional messages), there is no way whooping can be a priority each week.” I would say the solution is getting more faithful to the word and it’s clear exposition.
Thanks, it’s quite informative
This is truly helpful, thanks.
Thanks to the great guide
Thanks for the wonderful guide
Thank you this platform, I have never heard of this site before. I could learn a lot more about the power of teaching to transform the minds of our communities.
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