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“Dynamic Voices For A Diverse Church”
Pass The Mic is the premier podcast of the Reformed African American Network. Every month Jemar and Phillip sit down with voices from across the reformed movement with the mission of addressing the core concerns of African Americans biblically. Find out more at RAANetwork.org
Jemar Tisby – @JemarTisby
Tyler Burns – @burns23
Adam A.T. Thomason – @redrev
BJ Thompson – @bj116
Beau York – @TheRealBeauYork
I really appreciate what these brothers are speaking. It is so aligned with the Reformed tradition’s mantra – Semper Reformanda; which I would argue is the posture Christians should take to God’s continual and gracious unfolding of His truth to us. Great conversation. As Tyler said, I think this is the start of a conversation.
Oh, when y’all mentioned Shawn Lucas’ comment about whets and systemic injustice, y’all went from preaching to meddling. Don’t stop meddling.