My entire professional career has been in the movement to end domestic and sexual violence. I started as a peer educator in college and moved to shelter advocate for state-level policy and education. I’m now at the national level, working in development and communications. It’s fitting for me to communicate the importance of this issue professionally because I am called to image the Godhead.
First and foremost, I persistently communicate the importance of ending violence against women and girls because I know a Savior who perfectly and sufficiently satisfies my thirst for justice, now and forever. I often thirst for justice, for myself and others. I seek to communicate that all human life, including women’s, have value – not because the writers Angela Davis or bell hooks told me, but because it’s written plainly in Genesis 1:27 and practiced beautifully in John 4.
Jesus is the perfect feminist, the perfect activist, and the perfect advocate. What I mean is no one affirms and cares for women more perfectly than Jesus and I’m just another woman at the well, compelled to tell everyone what I know. I’m shocked that as a woman and ethnic-minority, a Jewish man would dare speak to me. I am utterly speechless that as a sinner, a perfect, holy God would dare offer me life. In a similar way, we should show radical mercy by reflecting radical justice. Imagine what could happen if we affirmed the humanity of others through a simple conversation.
There are many gray areas of domestic and sexual violence that often become norms in our culture, and unfortunately, even our churches. This includes victim blaming, assertion of power and control, not believing/supporting victims, or perpetuating the idea that “boys will be boys.” Jesus disrupted a cultural and religious norm of his day, and he did so to set the standard for how we should act towards others.
I am deeply flawed and sinful, yet immensely loved. As redeemed Christians, we reflect what we’ve been given. When perfect mercy, perfect justice, and eternal life find you, there is an urgency to communicate that hope with others.
“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters” (Colossians 3:23).
Showing mercy, justice, and ultimately reflecting Christ is not a 9 to 5. [inlinetweet prefix=”” tweeter=”@LySaundraCampbell” suffix=””]As image bearers of the living God, showing mercy is not just something we do; it’s who we’re called to be.[/inlinetweet]
“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing” (John 15:5).
We do not show mercy by our own strength – simply because we can’t. We did nothing to receive Living Water and we cannot, by any means, share it with others without the same power that brought us into this relationship.
Our perfect activist and advocate, not only showed us mercy and justice, but sent us a Helper to sustain us, and give us the power to do the same. From beginning to end, God has redemption under control. And from beginning to end, all we must do is abide in and reflect Christ.
Great article!