Joe Talks about the Christian and Prayer

A while ago RAAN’s Regular Contributor, Jasmine Baucham, interviewed Joseph Solomon. Recently I visited to see what Joseph, a.k.a “Joe”, was cooking and stumbled on this amazing video on prayer. He offers three thoughts on the Christian prayer:

  1. Pray Humbly and Carefully
  2. Do not Pray for Style
  3. Pray Often

He also offers things he remembers that help him accomplish the three points above.

Joe is a gift to the church, especially young believers who desire to walk closely with the Lord. He has a unique gift in that he is able to offer a comedic flare while maintaining a composure that is appropriate when communicating deep biblical truths. One thing is for sure, when you finish watching one of his videos you leave appreciating Joe’s ministry but enamored with our big God. This video maintains that standard as Joe ministers to us on the Christian and prayer.

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