Does the responsibility of talking to your children about racial identity and race issues seem daunting? Are you struggling with where to begin? In this short video, Jemar Tisby offers advice on how to have a conversation with children about race, from experiential learning to watching classic animated films. He says, “Talking to kids about race needs to happen early, often, and honestly.” Ensure that the first time your children hear about such an essential topic is in the love and safety of your parenthood.
I loved the idea of visiting the Lorraine Motel where Dr. King was assassinated to teach children about race and racism. And of using animated films that already exist — and aren’t written about race (like the Disney princess films) — to talk about the implicit messages they teach about race. This experiential teaching would be memorable in the mind of a child. And visiting landmarks for some of these discussions gets everyone out of the house — bonus! Thanks for sharing these great ideas. I’m making note of them for use in the future when, God willing, I have children.