Joy and Justice Recap: A Celebration of the Black Church and Black Christianity
Black Christians don’t have to leave part of ourselves at the door in an attempt to placate the least culturally-aware white person around us.
Black Christians don’t have to leave part of ourselves at the door in an attempt to placate the least culturally-aware white person around us.
What happens when whiteness goes on without being confronted?
How can one be truly free if she or he is not free to worship in spirit and in truth?
Tyler moderates a panel of women and black Christians to discuss the question, “Am…
How might women fulfill their purpose while not violating God’s principles?
The goal today is this: to untangle race, religion, and politics so that divisions in the world don’t cause divisions in the Church.
We are #LDR16 this weekend! LDR 2016: Checking in with Pass The Mic: Play…
I had the honor of presenting at the 2016 Together for the Gospel conference…
Some of the mainline evangelical conferences are dominated with white leadership and speakers with…
In this article, RAAN contributor Leslie Upton tells us how God used the Legacy Conference to change her view of singleness, and reveal how it could bring glory to him.