What I’ve Been Waiting For
For the past year, I have been waiting for this album to drop since I first saw this short documentary for the album “Centered” by Epiphany Fellowship of Philadelphia’s worship team: DOXA.
DOXA’s debut album was released several weeks ago, and I am writing this because I know that there are young, urban believers in reformed and/or evangelical circles who have been dying to get their hands on what is embodied in this album.
I described the album to a fellow African American believer as a: “Christ-centered, urban, neo-soul, black church, jazzy, worship album.” He responded in surprise and disbelief, “Where is that at?!” In my experience, the album is one of a kind and will always be a gem in my collection of worship music.
A Brief Tour
Even though I am not a professional album reviewer, I hope to give you a brief tour of a few songs on the worship album.
The album opens with the upbeat and jazzy “You Alone Are God,” and “Our Treasure is Christ.” “You Alone Are God” is filled with rich theology, exalting and highlighting the attributes of our great Triune God, his glorious gospel, and the joy of obeying him. The song “Our Treasure is Christ” points to the joyous satisfaction and delight our souls have in the person and work of Jesus Christ.
The theme of contentment and delight in fellowship with Christ, along with rich typology, continues with the song “Our Dwelling Place: Psalm 84”. It causes the soul that loves God to deeply and exuberantly desire the living God, declaring him as the only place we want to be. Along with the songs “Jesus Is” and “Jesus Is (Reprise) [feat. Dr. Eric Mason]” – with their CCM, jazz, gospel, and neo-soul flavors – one cannot help to be amazed at the greatness of our Lord, singing along with Leah Smith’s beautiful vocals and Pastor Eric Mason.
With call and response, the sound of an organ, and the pastoral ad libs of Mason, “Nail My Glory” and “Nail My Glory (Reprise) [feat. Dr. Eric Mason]” brings believers like me, who grew up in the traditional black church, into a place of nostalgia while being inspired to deny oneself, and count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.
The album ends with “To Him Who Sits on the Throne”, which is hard to describe. The simple repetition of heavenward praises unto the Lamb of God will make any believer stop what they are doing, and lift his or her hands in adoration to the King of kings and Lord of lords.
The sound, theology, and expressiveness of the album all work together to not only present a work of art, but also to equip missionaries, ministries, and local churches with another tool to further the kingdom of God. I’m a Reformed University Fellowship (RUF) intern at Jackson State University – an HBCU in Jackson, MS – and one of the first things I did after DOXA’s release was to let our worship team know about it. My hope was that the album would give our students and worship team more songs with which they can contextually, through song, present the goodness and glory of Jesus Christ to our campus.
Last But Not Least
One of the things I love most about this album is the people and churches that are connected with it. Epiphany Fellowship of Philadelphia and Epiphany Fellowship of Camden have been HUGE in my growth in ministry and Christ. From the pastoral concern, love, and care of the Epiphany Camden crew to the life-changing ministry of the Thriving Summits, I have been deeply encouraged to grow not only as a gospel-centered missionary, but also a man of God.
With the expressive, Christ-centered worship; the entrancing sounds; and the weighty lyrics, this worship album is a must-have! If you have not gotten the album yet, please get it on iTunes! I pray God blesses your soul through the ministry of DOXA.
1 comment
Great article, great album, even greater God!!! I always felt one of the contemporary church’s great indictment is an inability to live out “singing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs” but God was gracious with DOXA and blessed the Church through their songwriting and musicianship.
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