Recently, the Barna Research Group released a study about “How the summer of 2020 changed perceptions of racial justice-and what it means for Christian leaders.” The discovery revealed what many Black Christians already knew: In the area of racial justice, “progress” is elusive.
Jemar and Tyler are back this week to talk about their frustrations with the ideas of progress, what encourages them about these reports, and how our ideas of progress must change as we continue this work.
SN: Get ready for the next few episodes. We have some surprises for you! #StayTuned
It’s very difficult, I’m sure, to make progress when you’re advocating for segregation, while bashing white people for their “whiteness”. You’re your own impediment to progress.
In contrast, those like Candace Owens has had zero issue making progress. So maybe it’s not the skin color, but the hatred you’ve been espousing toward your white brethren.
Another important and terrific episode. I couldn’t help thinking of Ezekiel and how he was told he was expected to “proclaim” but there would be no response because- like you said, Tyler, the hearts were dead. And then I thought of Him in that field of dead bones and answering God that He knows if dead bones could live. No one can promise if the circumstances will change. But He does promise that He WILL send encouragement. God bless your ministry and thank you.